Street-level crime in TA20 2HQ - Bridgwater Mercury

Crime for TA20 2HQ

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Street-level crime and anti-social behaviour in from the Home Office.

To protect privacy, crimes are mapped to points on or near the road where they occurred.

Street name Crime type

Police station and neighbourhood policing team

Neighbourhood police station

Chard Town neighbourhood policing team

Inspector Rachel Clark
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Sergeant George Flint
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Constable Alan Hollick
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Constable Paul Thomas
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
Supervisor Caroline Matthews
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO Aaron Andrew
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.
PCSO Luzia Da Silva Costa
No additional details are available for this team member. Please contact Avon and Somerset Constabulary to request that they add this information.

About this neighbourhood

Neighbourhood Policing Team for Chard Town.

The force responsible for policing and crime prevention in this area is Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

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Monthly crime data provided by under the Open Government Licence